2012年7月20日 星期五


cyber formula  周傑倫

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   香港巨星鄭浩南即將擔任為黑皇 (Danish Royal Stout) 的新近代言人。黑皇 100% 的真正黑啤也是馬來西亞唯一含有 8% 酒精的黑啤。邀請鄭浩南為黑皇代言將可提升該品牌于大馬的形象及增長其市場份額,為持續不斷的宣傳活動成立一個新的裏程碑。此外,黑皇的包裝自去年經改善 後,其銷售便穩步上升。

    鄭浩南的剛毅性格和個性,體現了黑皇經精心釀制的原有香醇酒味。黑皇旨在增加品牌的曝光率,並希望透過鄭浩南吸引更多瞭解他人生觀的觀眾。鄭浩南擁有強壯 的體格和輪廓鮮明的下顎。TRIPOS他曾參與超過 200 部電影的演出,包括了日本,香港及好萊塢的影片。電影的代表作其中包括《黑社會以和為貴2》,《玩命對戰》,《98 古惑仔之龍爭虎鬥》等等的電影。目前他仍然活躍於娛樂圈,並將主力集中在幕後的角色。如今鄭浩南正與家人居住在大馬。除此之外,還經常穿梭於中國,香港及 大馬三地。

    對黑皇的新任務感到極度興奮的鄭浩南將此推廣項目視為一項挑戰。他將在各國的各個市場出現在黑皇的廣告及宣傳物品上。鄭浩南當天也表示,能夠成為大馬黑皇 故事中的一部分,他感到十分高興。濃郁中帶適度的香醇苦澀是黑皇獨有的特質。保持原有的香醇酒味的黑皇成功吸引成熟消費者及一群與時並進而嘗試不同口味的 年輕人。希望大家會喜歡。

    本地的黑皇市場對馬來西亞 Carlsberg (皇帽) 集團而言,是增長的一部分。自 1992 年推出之後,黑皇便逐漸成為占主導地位的唯一品牌的有力代替品。該品牌持續於每年增長,並與黑啤總市場下降率形成對比。為了答謝廣大忠心擁護者,黑皇將在 大馬各州各鎮的咖啡店,食閣及小販中心推出一系列的營銷活動。凡購買兩大瓶裝的黑皇,顧客便可以免費獲得限量版黑皇打火機一個。

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   Hong Kong superstar Mark Cheng Ho-Nam is set to appear as the new face of Danish Royal Stout, a genuinely brewed stout with 100% real stout and the only one that contains 8% alcohol content.

    The local stout market represents a growing segment for Carlsberg Malaysia. Since its introduction in 1992, Danish Royal Stout has grown to become a strong alternative to a market dominated by only 1 brand. It continues to grow yearly despite a decline experienced by the total stout market. The appointment of Mark as the new face of Danish Royal Stout marks a new milestone in an ongoing campaign to raise the profile and market share of Danish Royal Stout in Malaysia. The brand upgraded its packaging last year and has seen its sales rising steadily.

    “What makes Mark Cheng a great ambassador is his strong characteristics, his confident persona and charming demeanour, qualities that are undoubtedly Danish Royal Stout,” adds Nielsen. This association with Mark Cheng who has a strong character and personality complements the genuinely brewed stout of Danish Royal Stout that is smooth in taste. Their goal is to bring wider exposure to the Danish Royal Stout brand and with Mark, they will appeal to a larger audience who resonate with Mark’s outlook on life.

    With his lean muscular build and unmistakable chiselled jaw line, Mark has acted in more than 200 movies including Japanese and Hollywood ones. The deal signed between Danish Royal Stout and Mark, a renowned actor of blockbuster movies such as Election 2, Rogue Assassin and Young & Dangerous 5 will see the release of an extensive campaign that will propel the brand’s growth in the market. He is still very active in the entertainment industry, concentrating more on behind the scenes role. Working on a few film production projects on hand, he is now travelling between China, Hong Kong and Malaysia, where his family are currently staying.

    Mark was delighted with his new role with Danish Royal Stout, determined to make this opportunity an interesting venture. “Danish Royal Stout has a rich aroma with a right level of bitterness, its honest to goodness flavour appeals to a mature generation who appreciate its rich taste and the younger generation who feels a need for change in keeping with the times,” says Mark about Danish Royal Stout. “I am excited to be part of the Danish Royal Stout story in Malaysia.” Mark will appear in Danish Royal Stout advertising and point of sale materials .

    To reward loyal drinkers, Danish Royal Stout will also launch a promotional campaign at coffee shops / food courts / hawker centres around the country. With every purchase of two big bottles or quarts of Danish Royal Stout, consumers will receive a limited edition Danish Royal Stout lighter.


